Adding the Third Eye Point to your tapping routine

Here at the Pro EFT Center we are always looking for ways we can improve our tapping sessions. When someone comes up with a new idea, we are willing to try it out. A few months ago we began adding the Third Eye Point to our tapping routines. It has been working great. It has added … Continue Reading »

What is Tapping? Why we repress and keep our emotional pain.

Image via Wikipedia Most of the time when I present Pro EFT to a new group, people don’t know much about  tapping.  The explanation that tapping eliminates emotional pain is often difficult to understand because the idea of eliminating our emotional pain is not even considered a possibility.  Most of us  have  tried countless times to change the emotions … Continue Reading »

Does the Tapping in EFT Really Work?

At first glance most people being exposed to any of the Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT) assume the client feels better because the client is distracted by the technique.  If this assumption were true then the client would find no lasting relief from the technique.  By definition, distraction will cease to work when the person is … Continue Reading »