Tapping in the life you envision: Give yourself the gift of a tapping tune up

Pro EFT is so effective for eliminating stress, negative emotions, pain, and trauma. We can forget that you are empowered to tap in the life you envision. Why not, give yourself, the gift of a Pro EFT tapping tune up? Often we wait to seek help, until we are overwhelmed. If we feel bad enough, … Continue Reading »

Pro EFT Tapping Technique: How long do I tap on the points?

So, how long do I tap on any given point? Quite often practitioners and clients alike, will stay on a point for an extended period of time. Often this is done on the karate chop point.  Pro EFT Tapping Technique, makes changes in the body, by changing the area being stimulated, while staying on the … Continue Reading »

Pro EFT Really Really Tearless Trauma Technique: Trauma relief and elimination without all the pain

When we are traumatized, the shock, pain, and terror become locked to the memory of the trauma. We learn to avoid thinking of the event. We don’t ever want to consciously feel that pain again. Unfortunately, we also avoid relieving and then eliminating the emotional distress. Over time, this repressed memory connects those awful emotions to … Continue Reading »

Pro EFT Core Issue Elimination: Taking the easy way out.

Pro EFT Core Issue Elimination eliminates having to work on every upsetting issue you have ever had. Core Issues are memories of events that were so shocking and stressful they caused our brain to  hard wire stressful emotional responses and tie them to the memories. Hardwiring an unpleasant emotional response gives us safety. We feel  so uncomfortable we avoid repeating the trauma again. Once learned, … Continue Reading »

Pro EFT Stress Relief and Elimination: Eliminating cravings and self sabotage.

Stress is the drug of weight gain, cravings, and failure. This makes cravings and self sabotage tailor made problems for Pro EFT stress relief and elimination. In the amygdala our stress and pleasure pathways are connected. We get stressed. Our brain knows we can relieve the stress with a pleasurable squirt of dopamine. We start obsessing on … Continue Reading »