Getting on top of “I can’t keep up,” with Pro EFT™

 Tell your story as it is

Getting on top of “I can’t keep up,” with Pro EFT™ starts with you telling your story just as it is. Trying to minimize the “I can’t keep up” story will often make things worse. First list the problem, effects, goal, and obstacles in you way. Then measure the limiting beliefs, painful emotions, dysfunctional urges to react or be blocked, and the upsetting sensations you are feeling in your body. Let what ever comes to mind be the words you are going to tap on. Include all the poorly stated thoughts as well the enlightened corrections your conscious mind wants to replace them with.  Louise Hay made this point very well when she said, “if you are going to clean a house, you have to see the dirt.”

A classic mistake is to try to ignore and overpower your upsetting thoughts and urges. When you make this mistake, your protective imprinting will often bring up a whole host of additional limiting beliefs such as “I should be able to do this,” or “I am lazy,” or “I don’t deserve it.”

Acknowledge the reality that we expect ourselves to do more than is humanly possible

Another step in getting on top of “I can’t keep up,” with Pro EFT™ is to list the number of things a person is expecting themselves to do. When repeating the list back, clients often break out laughing as they realize that they are expecting the impossible from themselves.

Humans are terrible estimators

Humans are terrible estimators, yet we expect ourselves and others to meet those expectations. This creates huge amounts of stress. At the beginning of a project we know less about the project than any other time, yet that is the time we create our expectations of how it should go. The bigger the project, the bigger the errors are. Really loving and accepting that part of us that still expects us to meet those estimates, goes a long way to allowing us to let the estimates go.

Love and accept that ancient part of us 

Two Hadzabe men in Tanzania walking, carrying ...

Two Hadzabe men in Tanzania walking, carrying bows and today’s catch. Two dogs follow them. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Our ancient hunter gatherer ancestors would not have understood the concept of not enough time. Even in the harshest of natural conditions, subsistence took far less time then the hours we are expected to work today. Hunting and gathering is something people enjoy doing. The indigenous people played and rested a lot more than modern humans do.

They never had to file paperwork, balance ledgers, pay taxes, get all the kids to the after school activities, and report to a higher authority. Existence was a cooperative effort with plenty of time to rest and recreate.

The one thing that would have been terrifying to our ancestors was the phrase “I can’t keep up.”  Not being able to keep up with your group could well be a death sentence. Fast forward a few millennia into our modern world and the thought I can’t keep up still produces incredible levels of stress.

We have an ancient epigenetic memory inside of us, not keeping up is terrifying. Not keeping up is not actually a matter of survival in our modern world. I remember chuckling at a line a presenter said when asked what his lifetime goal was, it was “to finish unpacking!” When getting on top of “I can’t keep up,” with Pro EFT™, we acknowledge our epigenetic memories from our hunter gatherer past. We also let the unconscious mind know that much of what is on our never ending to do lists, are not a matter of survival.

Explore the reasons why we want to do so much

The most common reason we do things is to be happy. Let the unconscious see that making ourselves unhappy stressing about keeping up, so we can be happy, is not the best plan. In other words, we are making ourselves unhappy in order to be happy. Often just repeating the steps of your personal pattern a few times in a row will take the charge out.

Tap in directly what you really want

When the charges are low enough, then we can tap in what we really want. If you want to feel happy, tap in “I want to feel happy.” You can use Dr. Patricia Carrington’s “Choices Method” or Lindsay Kenny’s “Golden Gate Technique.” Here at the Pro EFT™ Center, my clients and I tap using a version of the Golden Gate technique. We also include Dr Carol Look’s “I love it when tapping,” as well as Dr Patricia Carrington’s “Resource Tapping.” This makes a very powerful and positive tapping sequence to take home with you.   Getting on top of “I can’t keep up,” with Pro EFT™ is so much easier now because of the contributions of these EFT Masters.

Get help when you need it

If the emotions are too intense, or the aspects you are suffering from are too complex, we always recommend doing some private sessions with an certified, advanced Pro EFT™ practitioner.

Wishing you the best tapping success ever,
