Neutralizing your painful past with Pro EFT™

Neutralizing your painful past with Pro EFT™ Don’t push your way into the painful past
Human biology is much more complex than our theories
Allow the story to unfold on its own
Start by tapping down what the client wanted to work on
The unconscious mind links things together in multiple ways
Empower the client to choose to work on something later
Get help when you need it

Bill’s Corner: Taking out the limiting beliefs the block you from fully connecting to your loved ones

Bill’s Corner Taking out the limiting beliefs that block you from fully connecting to your loved ones. In this issue I am featuring: eliminating blocked, unsafe, and physical sensations, even when bad things have happened to you… again and again and again. Recently a client came in with a series of limiting beliefs, that were blocking them … Continue Reading »

Tapping in the life you envision: Give yourself the gift of a tapping tune up

Pro EFT is so effective for eliminating stress, negative emotions, pain, and trauma. We can forget that you are empowered to tap in the life you envision. Why not, give yourself, the gift of a Pro EFT tapping tune up? Often we wait to seek help, until we are overwhelmed. If we feel bad enough, … Continue Reading »