Pro EFT Tapping Points: Comforting ourselves the way nature intended.

In the modern world we have almost completely lost touch with touch. Touch is the primary comforting tool all primates use to alleviate stress and express affection. Without an awareness of how we use healing touch, the Pro  EFT tapping points can at first seem silly and embarrassing.  When we see these areas being touched in the context of emotional situations, the touching does not … Continue Reading »

HOT TAPPING TIPS #6 “It’s gone…I’m not upset anymore and I am not upset back then either.”

Recently a client working on changing the relationship pattern developed in childhood said to me, “It’s gone…I’m not upset anymore and I am not upset back then either.” The series of events were from an old memory of anger at a sibling when both of their worlds were torn apart by emotional trauma in their … Continue Reading »